Animal Urine on your Grass - Tips and Solutions
Antonucci Lawn and Garden would like to offer some tips and solutions for animal urine on your grass - an ongoing problem that plagues your Reno landscaping.

As a homeowner, we take pride in our green grass. We spend time and money on landscape maintenance Reno to perfect our lawn with beautiful green colors. So it's no wonder when our pets use our lawn as a place to relieve themselves, we tend to get a little upset. However, the brown spots on your lawn may not always be the result of your pet. Often the burn spot may be the result of a neighboring animal prowling the neighborhood. The spot may also be the result of a diseased section of your lawn. So be sure this is the result of your pet before you implement a plan of action to solve the problem of animal urine on your grass. Once you are sure of the family culprit, you should implement your plan of action to improve your Reno landscaping.
What Causes the Yellowing?
Let's start by saying that pet urine contains an extreme amount of nitrogen. While a little nitrogen is good for the greenness of your lawn, an excessive amount will burn your lawn. So whether it be animal urine on your grass, or dumping too much of high nitrogen fertilizer on your grass, too much nitrogen will burn your lawn, creating those ugly brown spots that will ruin the appearance of your Reno landscaping. If you are already maximizing the fertilization on your lawn, the additional nitrogen from your pet will cause it to brown up that much faster.Female dogs tend to be more troublesome due to the fact that the females tend to squat and urinate continuously in one spot, whereas the males tend to mark their territories, lifting their legs and urinating less in more various locations. A simple technique that can be used is to encourage your pet to drink more water. This will help dilute the nitrogen levels in their urine.
Types of Grass
The kind of grass you put in your yard also determines how well it will tolerate animal urine on your grass. Fescue and perennial ryegrass are the most resistant, and diluted amounts of urine (hosing down the spot after your pet goes) can actually act as a fertilizer. The least hardy grasses are Kentucky Bluegrass and Bermuda grass and are the most sensitive to urine nitrogen.After your pet urinates on the grass, take a couple of cups of water to saturate the urine spot, thus diluting the high nitrogen content in your pet's urine. Of course, this will only work if you are able to attend every potty break by your pet. This should be done right away before the nitrogen content has a chance to absorb into the roots of your grass.Some preventative actions from getting animal urine on your grass could also include upgrading your pet's food to a higher grade quality. Higher quality foods have more digestible proteins, thus creating less nitrogen waste in your pet's urine. Also, try taking your dog on more walks thus eliminating them from going on your lawn.We all love our pets and we all love our grass. Setting up a realistic plan of action is essential to keeping your lawn green and healthy and at the same time keeping your pet happy and healthy.#alawnandgarden
To learn more about landscape maintenance and landscaping designs for Reno and Northern Nevada areas, visit us at Antonucci Lawn and Garden or call us at 775.406.0065.Get a Free Quote
About the Author
As one of Northern Nevada’s leading landscape companies, Antonucci Lawn & Garden offers fresh ideas and quality craftsmanship to improve outdoor living. Since 2009, Antonucci has been focused on enhancing beautiful landscaping. Whether starting from scratch or renovating an existing backyard, our knowledgeable staff and certified team of contractors will explain everything you need to build your perfect outdoor retreat.